After the 6th annual Madiba Cameroon project that impacted about 8000 people in Batibo, we are happy to announce the upcoming Every Child is Ours (ECHO) 16-17 in Bafoussam intending to empower about 300 kids orphans and other deprived children. We are happy to host our 3 International volunteers from Nigeria (Favour, Jennifer and Flora) working on the project that will be run from November 16th 2016 to February 28th 2017. A 3 in 1 project to bring smile on children leaps. Follow us for more informations and participation.

To be part of our team, send you CV and Letter of Motivation to #WebDevFoundation #AIESECCameroon

Linda Koenigsmann (Allemagne) 2013

German Volunteer 2013 Cameroun…qu’est-ce que je savais avant d‘être venue ? Pas beaucoup. Bien sur, le séjour était bien organisé par Bobga Gerald et Hope Foundation/ Clotaire Ntienou et WEBDEV Foundation, quand même, je ne savais pas exactement où je vais rester, où je vais travailler avec qui je vais vivre. Une fois arrivée à l’aéroport, j’ai été frappée par la chaleur…;-) le transport à travers de Douala, la nuit dans le bus pour arriver à Bangoua, le village où je passai mes deux mois, était un tour d’un alentour jamais vu. Continue reading

Testimony Iran (Participant 2014)

« Je suis content parce que ça change de l’école on fait des choses différentes et on apprend des trucs intéressants. On fait aussi des petits jeux et des chansons donc ce n’est pas ennuyant. Je préfère quand même les jeux aux cours on rigole plus. »
Iram 8 ans

Testimony Goery (France)

WEBDEV ECHO 2014« Ces cours au coté de Webdev Foundation sont une occasion unique de m’épanouir. Savoir que je me rends utile et apportes de vraies connaissances aux enfants est très valorisant. Les enfants sont tous sympathiques et même si parfois il est difficile de garder l’attention de tous pendant 1h30 nous sentons le vrai intérêt des écoliers pour ce projet. »
Goery, Stagiaire Français 2014 au Cameroun

Testimony Lin

WEBDEV ECHO 2014« I have no experience of teaching children before. When i met the kids for the first time, i was worried about whether i would be able to deal with such small kids with abundant energy. Luckily, i was accompanied by a local teacher to deliver my lessons. She gave me lots of advice. Later, when i tried to give my first lesson, I felt fulfilled and happy. Children responded to me and i can feel that they listened carefully. After class, many of them say “Ni Hao (Salut)” to me. It’s really a wonderful experience”

Lin, From China


Dans le cadre de ECHO project Edition 2ième, 23 Kg de don collectés par Angelise (France) et 5Kg collecté par Lin (Chine) seront redistribués au enfant cette année. nous espérons le soutien de CAMLAIT Ouest pour que la fête soit belle. Grand merci à ces deux dames de coeur qui ont bien voulu mettre leur temps avant le voyage à contribution pour le sourire des enfants ECHO.



Every Child is Our Project, Edition 2 started 3 weeks ago in Bafoussam

ImageAbout 300 kids are following our educational program with the support of Ministry of Social Affair and the Ministry of Basic Education.

The project Every Child Is Ours started on January 06th,2014 led by WEBDEV Foundation. This project has been in preparation since many months and is based on participation of our volunteers worldwide to kid’s education but mostly concerned target are deprived children in orphanages and schools where most of students are from very poor families. The activities carried on IT, sexual education, sanitary education, languages, cultural activities and extra-curricular activities as music, dance and painting. All the activities are based on educational games as well as participative and play ground pedagogic methods.

For the realization of this project, WEBDEV Foundation is working with internationals, Line (China), Angelise and Goery (France) and nationals, Estelle and Virginie (Cameroon) volunteers. So the volunteers organize classes in schools as well as share their competences and cultural differences. The children are very receptive and therefore are very curious and attentive in discovering these new learning. Actually, we are focus on delivering classes to class 5 and class 6 in 2 schools (Ecole Publique Djemoum and CEBEC Plateau) and 2 social centers (AVAPEV and CERSOM).

X-mas with orphans in Bafoussam 2013

Dans le cadre du lancement du projet Every Child is Ours, WEBDEV Foundation participera le Mercredi 11 Décembre 2013 à un évènement de son partenaire et centre social AVAPEVUBA au quartier Maetur à Bafoussam. En ce jour nous organiserons des ateliers de renforcement de capacité des plus de 65 orphelins et enfants défavorisés qui sont invités avec en prime des remises de dons.

————————— English —————————-

WEBDEV Foundation is invited by his partner AVAPEVUBA for Every Child is our to attend an important event regarding X-mas for Orphan. This will be held on Wednesday, 11th December 2013 at Maetur in Bafoussam. We will be organizing various activities; Dance, music, workshops to empower capacities of about 65 orphans and other deprived children tha have been invited to the event, and we will also be giving some donations.

Support us at project@webdevfoundation.orgImage